4 July 2011

Today's nutritious recipe from Kinder Kitchen - leftover roast lamb, boiled potatoes and peas

I often cook roasts and always have some meat leftover. I have used freshly boiled potatoes as roast ones are never leftover in my house. Here is a simple way of serving leftovers to your kids.

Some leftover lamb
2 potatoes (not peeled) or leftover roast potatoes
Half a mug of cooked peas
Olive oil
Leftover gravy

1. Cut the potatoes into small chunks and boil them for around ten minutes so that they are just underdone
2. Cut the lamb into bite size pieces
3. When the potatoes are ready, drain them and add some oil to a frying pan. Add the lamb and potatoes and allow to fry for a couple of minutes
4. Now add the cooked peas and the left over gray and serve

You can use chicken, beef or any other meat and vegetables you have leftover. You can always make a quick gravy with a stock cube. 

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